
High quality liquid assets
High quality liquid assets

high quality liquid assets

Level 2 assets (which can comprise no more than 40 per cent of the total stock) - limited to certain other sovereign or quasi sovereign marketable instruments, as well as certain types of corporate bonds and covered bonds, that also have a proven record as a reliable source of liquidity even during stressed market conditions.įollowing a review of those assets that qualify for Level 1 and Level 2 assets, APRA has confirmed the existing definitions of HQLA for the LCR in Australia, which are:.Level 1 assets - limited to cash, central bank reserves and highest quality sovereign or quasi sovereign marketable instruments that are of undoubted liquidity, even during stressed market conditions and.There are two categories of assets that can be included in this stock: Since 1 January 2015, ADIs subject to the LCR requirement are required to hold a stock of high quality liquid assets (HQLA) sufficient to survive a severe liquidity stress scenario lasting 30 days. The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has reviewed the range of assets that qualify for the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) for some authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs), and reconfirmed existing arrangements with an addition to eligible Level 1 assets. Australian Government deposit guarantee scheme seal.Financial Claims Scheme frequently asked questions.Deposit checker - Are your deposits protected?.Different banking businesses under one banking licence.List of authorised deposit-taking institutions covered.Banks, building societies and credit unions.Open/Close Menu Financial Claims Scheme.Questions about general, life and private health insurers.Questions about authorised deposit-taking institutions.APRA Explains - the Financial Claims Scheme.APRA’s place in the wider regulatory environment.Memoranda of understanding and letters of arrangement.Governance and Senior Executive Accountabilities.Open/Close Menu Accountability and reporting.Open/Close Menu Grants and scholarships.Industry supervision - frequently asked questions.APRA's licensing process - frequently asked questions.Open/Close Menu APRA's licensing process.Life insurance companies and friendly societies.Superannuation Data Transformation videos.Open/Close Menu Superannuation Data Transformation project.APRA Connect information security and technical specifications.Economic and financial statistics - frequently asked questions.Licensing non-operating holding companies.Reporting for registered financial corporations.Register of non-operating holding companies.List of registered financial corporations.Registered financial corporations standards and guidance.Non-regulated entities reporting to APRA.Open/Close Menu Non regulated industries.Cross-agency process for retirement income stream products.Licensing guidelines and forms for superannuation.The Annual Superannuation Performance Test.Register of superannuation institutions.Open/Close Menu Private health insurance.Register of life insurers and friendly societies.Open/Close Menu Life insurance and friendly societies.

high quality liquid assets

Banking Executive Accountability Regime.Register of authorised deposit-taking institutions.Open/Close Menu Authorised deposit-taking institutions.

High quality liquid assets